The Microsoft Surface 5 is a high-performance laptop that comes with a keyboard included. It is powered by an Intel Core i5-7300U processor, with a clock speed of 2.60GHz – 2.71 GHz. The laptop has 8GB of RAM and a 256GB SSD for storage. The display is a 12.3-inch touch screen with a Full HD+ resolution of 2736 x 1824. The graphics are handled by an Intel HD Graphics 620 adapter. The battery life is around 3 – 5 hours of working time. The keyboard is a UK English backlit keyboard. The laptop is in Grade A condition and comes with photos. The Microsoft Warranty has expired, but it comes with a 3-month warranty from the seller. The laptop runs on Windows 10 and comes with a charger. Additionally, the seller provides a VAT Margin Invoice, where VAT is not deductible.